The etymology of the word "evolve" is latin and it doesn't matter. It's a word made up by people that has been used to describe a process that we've attempted to understand for a long time, and are no closer to that than we were at the beginning. Humans, just like all other things on earth, have supposedly been evolving since their origination. For us, evolution is different than it is for most things. Unlike the evolution of things like reptiles, insects, and rodents, which is focused on adapting better to their environment in order to increase the likelihood of survival, humans have had a leg up on surviving. We quickly mastered our environment in those terms, and have gone beyond. We've done so well with surviving that there are actually too many of us for the earth's resources to sustain. If this were most other things, we would label it a problem and cull the species to a more appropriate number.
Since we've effectively mastered surviving our environment, how exactly are we evolving? Traditionally, our efforts in further evolution have been in the areas of technology, space, psychology, religion, science, philosophy, spirituality, and other things that go beyond simply surviving the elements by which we're surrounded. But to what end? What are we looking for?
Our technological capabilities have been, for the most part, maxed out. We've gone to the moon, created electricity and the internet, made semi-conductors. We've gone so far with our technological advancements that we may have actually created something that threatens our survival: artificial intelligence. The antithesis of evolution. Regarding psychology, our prime has passed. In the late 1800's, a lot of progress was made in our understanding of psychological experimentation and how it could be explored scientifically. Throughout most of the 1900's, psychological theory exploded. There were so many people devoted towards theoretically expanding our understanding of the human mind - how it functions and relates to the human body and the environment. Now, the quality of psychological thought, the academia that is supposed to teach it, and the people involved in all those processes, are so bad that it is astounding. Regression. That is not evolution. Religion has stalled, fallen out of popularity, and has mostly only led to infighting. Philosophers do not agree, and even if they do, the answers are not there. They cannot prove anything, and good ones will tell you that themselves.
For all of our success in evolution, we have shockingly failed to do something that many other species achieved long ago, which is to live in peace, at least amongst each other. That's kind of the first step in evolving: if there are others like you, work together. Or at least don't kill each other. But what have humans always done? Raped, murdered, fought, betrayed, waged war. It's the current state of the world. That is not evolving. So what have we learned about evolution? The truth is, very much and also nothing at all.